
Indulge or Purify?

Counting down to the 48 hours of prep time, during which I’ll be on a liquid diet and be one increasingly grumpy SOB. At least there will be coffee for this one (no cream), so no caffeine withdrawal. Lots of ginger ale, lots of popsicles, lots of water, lots of bathroom time, along with lot of Lisa patience and solid food guilt.

To help with the cleanse (not to be confused with the trendy one with cayenne pepper-orange slurry), I’m taking something called Golytely (get it?) to help the process. Here’s to hoping that the people responsible for that name will be hitting beer bongs of Gotlytely in a corner of Hell with Port-a-Potties and a lazy cleaning crew.

I am of two minds about how to approach food and drink in the run up to the Big Starve and surgery. Indulge or purify?

“Do both!” offered Lisa, equal parts funny and unhelpful. But she’s sort of right.

The doctor instructions were not to change up my routine whatsoever. Nice to hear, but it played into the increasingly surrealness of having cancer serious enough to slice me open while I felt great and continued to eat and drink and exercise as if nothing was wrong. I know that I’ll be feeling the full impact of this in a matter of days, but right now, there’s no moment of sacrifice to mark the new reality.

Example: at one point in my life, I drank vats of Diet Coke. I saw Morgan Spurlock’s Supersize Me. I stopped drinking all carbonated beverages unless as a mixer or as ginger ale during the recent bowel preps.

This cancer has yet to offer a similar moment. It will. Soon.